There are several things that come into play when
building your own website. Even if you’re not personally making it, you should
be aware of a few things and how they work. In some cases, the website is more
complex, so you might not understand everything, but the basics are the same.
From careful planning and analytics to dependable cloud storage,
here are a few of the things you definitely should know when you’re making a
website. These tips are followed by various web development companies Dubai has to offer.
The look and feel of a website should be unique.
Taking inspirations from other sites is a must, but the end version should be
your own. Carefully think about what you want your site to offer – and how –
because the design is the first part of the website that interacts with the
HTML and CSS are the basic languages that you’ll be
using, so make sure your website functions like a modern site and make full use
of both. They are very easy to learn too. Don’t be afraid to use them even if
you didn’t have previous knowledge, because you’ll quite easily get the hang of
This depends on the website you’re building, but in
many cases, a good site can be turned into a great one with good usage of
website scripting. From a static page, you get a dynamic one, and your users
can interact in ways that will be helpful to both you and them. A few examples
of website scripting are contact forms, interactive buttons and controls, and
shared content between web pages. These things can be more difficult to
integrate into your site, as they require usage of more advanced languages like
JavaScript, or Ruby on Rails.
Every browser displays the design differently. This
means that you have to optimise the website, so that it’ll be displayed
properly on every browser. Optimising for Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox,
Internet Explorer, Apple Safari, and Opera is a must, and a practice that any web development agency Dubai will
follow. You don’t want to alienate users of different browsers.
Another thing to keep note is the screen size of every
device. If you have an adaptive design, then the website will display properly
on all phones, laptops, computers, and tablets.
Domain and
Arguably the most important part is hosting. Without
it, there won’t be an actual website that can be visited on the internet. The
domain is the part of the website that uses its name and represents the IP
addresses that you’ll use. Both are incredibly important, and without them, you
don’t have a website.
Depending on your website, you may need a different
host for different things. If you’ve included more advanced elements, then a
host that can handle them is a must, since the host represents the server that
your files will be on.
There are other, more subtle things to know when
you’re making a website. Even though anyone can make a website using different
tools, it’s recommended to understand those tools better so that you’ll make a
website of higher quality.